LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 3

Contraption Challenge

Archive: 5 posts
2017-06-13 04:08:18 / Author: DyMonkie
Has anyone ever made a tutorial for a popit power-up level like this? The best examples of a contraption challenge in Story Mode would be The Wheel Deal in Manglewood or Joust in Time in Bunkum Lagoon. I want to use the popit power-up to make a combat game, but I just don't know where to start.
2017-06-13 04:08:18
Posts: 17

2017-06-13 08:39:43 / Author: mdkd
The popit powerup? Never used it. What exactly do you want to add to your combat level?

I think the best way could be to make experiments in create mode. That's how I added logic and made ideas real.
2017-06-13 08:39:43
Posts: 1856

2017-06-13 10:06:40 / Author: waffleking23

i'm not sure if i've seen a full on tutorial for it, but i've run into some levels that use it (to varying degrees of success). Give me a bit of time and i'll toss up the links, they might point you in the right direction for how to use it in your own levels.
2017-06-13 10:06:40
Posts: 342

2017-06-13 22:21:04 / Author: DyMonkie
I appreciate the help. @mdkd I wanted to add a way to upgrade your tank. It would be very similar to the game bubble tanks.
2017-06-13 22:21:04
Posts: 17

2017-06-14 06:39:57 / Author: mdkd
That's complicated with to do with the powerup itself. You can create a menu in your game and work with tags and stuff and make it accessable after reaching a level or so.
2017-06-14 06:39:57
Posts: 1856
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