LittleBigPlanet 3
Eye Candy | An Abandoned House
Archive: 2 posts
2017-08-17 09:27:00 / Author: sNicolas
Here is the latest eye candy I made. I tried to avoid the warm colours and go for a more mysterious and cool feel. What are your thoughts? Please give constructive criticism in the comment, it's how I improve.
Here is the level link - |
2017-08-17 09:27:00
Author:sNicolas Posts: 4
2017-08-17 20:29:16 / Author: CuriousSack
I totally love such eye candy pics, thanks a lot for sharing!
Many greetings, Jürgen^^ |
2017-08-17 20:29:16
Author:CuriousSack Posts: 865
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