LittleBigPlanet 3
[Roughly 15 Fresh - S2] 008 - Hoarfrost
Archive: 4 posts
2018-01-25 23:01:24 / Author: waffleking23
Ossu! Friday's come again, and that means time for another Roughly 15 Fresh! This week we're having a look at: Foggy Platformer - Jmat919 "In the Sky" - MarsWalls Death Escape - Arey100 Breath of Fresh Color - larrylewis91 Popit - KleineJokeeh It's an...interesting set of levels this go around, and i had a fair amount of fun with them. Hopefully one of them will catch your fancy as well...tickle your eye? Wait, i've got those reversed, don't i? Anyhow, thanks as always for all the support, and i hope you have a great day! Behind the Curtains Stuffs i think of all the tertiary characters on the show, Officer Sommerset and Ophidia Bombastus are my favourites. Something about an Avatar of Order dating an Erisian Paladan just tickles me. Also, yes, her given name is Officer; it's a family tradition for the eldest child to get stuck with it. Speaking of names, i realize i've misspelled Lucretia. We'll just say her family uses an alternate spelling. Yeah, let's go with that. Episode 009 is half-wrapped, i would have liked to have gotten more of it done (really for the schedule it should be done but for the PiPs by now). i got wrapped up with the set-up...i think i'll never try the thing i'm doing with it again. i think it worked out about as well as it could have, but i'm not sure i'm super happy with the end result. Eh...we'll see. |
2018-01-25 23:01:24
Author:waffleking23 Posts: 342
2018-01-28 15:53:07 / Author: Biorogue
Sweet! Great ep man.
2018-01-28 15:53:07
Author:Biorogue Posts: 580
2018-01-30 01:21:31 / Author: waffleking23
Thanks Bio!
Woot, it's time again for a (kind of late) Tuesday Takeaway! Foggy Platformer - Jmat919 The level is a lot more enjoyable once you know the "trick" of that "trampoline," that's for sure. The focus is very much on gameplay, and that's something generally up my alley (i mean, if i have to choose gameplay over environment, i'll usually swing gameplay. Though having both is best if possible). i liked the enemies with their LBP1 feel, it seems like we don't really see a lot of those any more. There's nothing here that's excessively challenging, except maybe one bit when you're going up a ladder with one of those little gator-beasties firing plasma at you. Fun enough for a diversion. Death Escape - arey100 Maybe this one's a metaphor for life, or something. You'll find the key you need to move on to bigger and better places, but just as you use it, you're eaten by a gribbler. That is how life works, right? i still think it's a bit odd that they went through the trouble of setting up a top-down environment, and then slapped you in a controllinator. i have a little more experience with top-down now, and it is kind of annoying to set up, but thanks to Danx87's nice tutorial it's not nearly impossible. "In the Sky" - MarsWalls This level seems to be no longer available. No idea why, really. Breath of Fresh Color - larrylewis91 Not too much to say about this one that i didn't say in the episode. i really liked the environment; the gameplay, while simple, keeps you going at a good pace; the wall-jump bit could be a little better signposted, but it's figure-out-able. i just wish there had been just a bit more to it. Poppit - KleineJokeeh This one really ended up growing on me the more i played it. The visual presentation is passable, but the focus is more on the gameplay, like in Foggy Platformer, so i can forgive it. i think the boost-boot/wall jump area could be a little better labeled, but once you've got the trick of it, it's not quite so bad. i'm not 100% sure the Grappling Hook bit was necessary, maybe it could have been re-fitted to use the Hook Hat, just so you're not working so many power-ups at the same time. Still, all in all, i ended up liking it a fair bit. So...that's the that. Not too much changed since i made the episode, and that's fine with me. Hope you found something you had fun playing. Thanks as always for the support, and have a great day! Behind the Curtains Stuffs Episode 009 is done but for the PiPs. i scrapped and re-recorded the outro again, like with episode 008, but i think it ended up better for it. Levels are recorded for episode 010, but we haven't worked up the hub for it though. That shouldn't be so much of an issue though, since we'Re going for a more regular style hub this go about. We're done with Isaac dailies finally! Yay! So i can build up a backlog, and use my early mornings for something else, which is nice. i might even start walking again, that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. |
2018-01-30 01:21:31
Author:waffleking23 Posts: 342
2018-01-30 12:07:46 / Author: mdkd
Sounds like a fair review to me. Good job!
2018-01-30 12:07:46
Author:mdkd Posts: 1856
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