LittleBigPlanet 3
[Roughly 15 Fresh - S2] 012 - Lunacy
Archive: 5 posts
2018-02-22 23:01:37 / Author: waffleking23
Ossu! Coming back around again! This week we're having a look at: Tower of Ice - SKUBSTER23 Shock Therapy - rainbowhillbilly 2018 Platform - Miwa0612 Super cardboard adventures - selivura Future City speedrun - badpigie A pretty solid set of levels this go about. Future City speedrun got picked up for LotD, because of course it did. But still, there's a fair amount of fun here; hopefully there's a couple you'll want to give a go at. As always, thanks for all the support, and have a great day! Behind the Curtains Stuffs i fell asleep yesterday at 4in the afternoon. It was just like, my brain was, "ok, we're going to sleep now," and my body said "ok, sure." Neither of them asked me about it. Really, i find that personally loathsome. And, of course, it meant i woke up at 2.30am. i did get episode 013 wrapped (but for the PiPs). Should put a few more hours into the 014 hub, since that needs to get done this week. Oh! There's a mistake in the title card for today's episode, but i won't tell you what it is. Also, just noticed this when messaging the creators about the episode, apparently Tower of Ice is no longer up. Weird... |
2018-02-22 23:01:37
Author:waffleking23 Posts: 342
2018-02-23 02:28:58 / Author: Biorogue
Just a FYI, The Tower of Ice is not there. I even looked on that profile and all I see is Mickey levels. But, got the others queued and will check 'em out. Keep it up man.
2018-02-23 02:28:58
Author:Biorogue Posts: 580
2018-02-23 08:31:24 / Author: waffleking23
Yeeeeah...i think, maybe, we stumbled on another thief. Moon's been completely made-over, with a completely new level set (plus, someone in the comments accusing them of gaffling a level. It sucks, but that cat's out of the bag. |
2018-02-23 08:31:24
Author:waffleking23 Posts: 342
2018-02-23 08:41:01 / Author: mdkd
Ah, this is not nice. This happens very often. Well, I still have to watch the episode. BRB.
2018-02-23 08:41:01
Author:mdkd Posts: 1856
2018-02-26 22:20:10 / Author: waffleking23
Ossu! Tuesday Takeaway Time!
Tower of Ice - SKUBSTER23 Still not up, and looking pretty shady. At least they've not changed their profile/planet like 6times since i played it, like that last guy did. Shock Therapy - rainbowhillbilly Had a fair amount of fun this time around, though some of that was knowing where some of the break points are. i didn't got through the follow-up level this go, not enough time for it really, though i do remember that one being more involved and a little more fun than part one. One little bit of oddity here, the actual title has "~"s and upside-down question marks in it. i don't know how to input those in-game. 2018 Platform - Miwa0612 This one didn't change too much for me this time, which is fine, because it means i still quite like it. i think i downplayed the gameplay a bit in the video, but really that's an issue of comparison. What's on display is certainly solid enough, none of it is particularly broken or annoying, and it keeps you moving quick enough things don't get boring, but slow enough that you can notice how nice things look. Super cardboard adventures - selivura This's not bad, really, but it suffers for being in this particular set-list. Which i realize is a bit unfair, but i am only human. It's solid for what it is, and focusing purely on the gameplay, it keeps you moving along decently enough. Like i mentioned in the video, the music choices are a little bit wonky, especially the first one (why? why these 50's songs?). Also, why Oddsock? Future City speedrun - badpigie This is another one that didn't shift all that much. The bits i loved in the video i still loved, the annoying bits were still annoying (i do think just changing the Bendy Rail material to something that gives off light would do wonders). Taking a look at those Cherry trees and...i've seen them before in other community levels, but i can't remember where they come from. They look like they should be from the move pack, they match the natural aesthetic of the other decorations, but i don't seem to have them in my poppit. Unless they're shrunk-down and slapped-together cherry blossom twigs from The Islands? Anyhow, that's the that. It was a fairly solid on set of levels this go about, even the just alright levels ended up being pretty fun. Hope you give them a play and find something that clicks for you. Have a great day and thanks for all the support! Behind the Scenes Stuffs Like i mentioned on DreamsVerse, i've been trying to make up for really weird sleeping hours recently, which means i've been focused on building up the Isaac backlog (i like to be about 4episodes ahead with a week's worth being best if possible). i have been putting some time into the Hub for next week, which is going in fits and starts. The character-side of things is pretty well sewn up, the actual hub itself...there were probably a dozen ways i could have gotten the effect i was going for, one of which i've actually used in a past episode to pretty solid why i decided this particular way this time, i have no idea. Now i'm invested, let's slam our head against this wall. |
2018-02-26 22:20:10
Author:waffleking23 Posts: 342
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