LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 3

Devil’s Lair

Archive: 1 posts
2018-10-22 06:46:53 / Author: TwisterKiller70
Welcome to Devil's Lair, the only way to escape from this place is through the elevator or exit gate. However, the hunter will be the one who can stop you from escaping. I hope you'll enjoy the versus level and have fun going against your friends.

Hunter Basic:
Survivor Basic:

I hope you guys understand how to play it. 
As for the level well it is heavily inspired by Dead by daylight, and I made this as sort of fun Halloween level. 
The difficulties about this level were the thermometer I had to remove quite a bit of the level, anyway I hope it isn't a huge issue.

Here is the level link!
2018-10-22 06:46:53
Posts: 45
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