LittleBigPlanet 3
Brainstorm & Projects
The Legend of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
Archive: 1 posts
2018-10-23 23:42:03 / Author: maddog991
So I have been working on a re-creation/reimaging of the games opening section in the Great Plateau. It's early days but the following screenshots illustrate early imagery from the game. Full Contents: Locations/Scenery Great Plateau area to explore including the Temple of Time (Estimated 75% Complete) Shrine Tower (50% Complete) Shrine of Resurrection (10% Complete) Skull Cave (95% Complete) Items Master Sword (100% Complete) Bow (80% Complete) Torch (50% Complete) Features Combat - This is a bit fiddly at the moment Day and Night Cycle Cutscenes - Introduction cutscene plus additional scenes which follow the narrative from the start of the game Cut down trees Eat Apples and Mushrooms OresĀ Hope you like what you have briefly seen. |
2018-10-23 23:42:03
Author:maddog991 Posts: 1
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