LittleBigPlanet 3
Custom character doesn't work?
Archive: 4 posts
2018-11-01 22:07:53 / Author: Sebart75
Hi everyone.
I recently realised that the custom characters system doesn't work when another player than me plays my levels. The player spawn as a naked sackboy, and I think all the logic I add to my character does not apply. The matter is that I use custom characters in most of my levels, and avoid using sackbots. Can anyone give me a clue about this problem please? Thanx |
2018-11-01 22:07:53
Author:Sebart75 Posts: 77
2018-11-02 10:39:46 / Author: mdkd
So far it happens many times. It's a gamble basically. The only 'solution' are sackbots, but no powerups can be applied.
2018-11-02 10:39:46
Author:mdkd Posts: 1856
2018-11-02 12:26:59 / Author: Sebart75
It's crap, I have many levels with power ups
I assume the solution is just to make regular plaformers like in LBP1... Damn ! |
2018-11-02 12:26:59
Author:Sebart75 Posts: 77
2018-11-02 12:53:23 / Author: mdkd
I'd say try to use animations with sackbots. Fist fights with animations and tags instead of a powerup. But yeah, things have to be done in a classic LBP1 way.
2018-11-02 12:53:23
Author:mdkd Posts: 1856
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