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Any body else thing LBP3 seriously needs a "Dive In" feature?
Archive: 9 posts
2015-06-27 06:05:00 / Author: KodECera
None of my friends have LBP3, so basically I'm sorta lonelier on LBP3, definitely way more than on LBP2. I wish there was a dive in feature, it doesn't make sense that there isn't one. Anybody else agree? Besides, when I try to join people on levels its glitchy and takes and unbelievable amount of time just to connect. I want something fast and easy to make new friends. Besides, if people don't like others requesting them, they can just include an auto-reject button in the settings.
So, who here thinks LBP3 should have a dive in button?? There aren't any negatives to this, so why not! |
2015-06-27 06:05:00
Author:KodECera Posts: 5
2015-06-27 06:27:00 / Author: gurren009
I think i read some post by StevenI that stated that the devs are working on an even more imaginative way to dive in. It's going to be must more efficient and fun then the dive ins from previous games. It's also going to be complex, which is why it's taking so much time to come out.
2015-06-27 06:27:00
Author:gurren009 Posts: 617
2015-06-27 14:16:00 / Author: Robospike
2015-06-27 14:16:00
Author:Robospike Posts: 10
2015-06-27 15:24:00 / Author: nerd_dog
this dive exploit here is really a strange way to dive in on people.. and kind of intrusive. like.. people are building their levels and whatnot and you just pop in because they thought you must be on their friends list and they accept . I think it's best just to wait for a legitimate dive feature.
2015-06-27 15:24:00
Author:nerd_dog Posts: 1483
2015-06-27 15:28:00 / Author: DiamondDiancie10
Yeah, I agree with nerd_dog. Every time somebody uses that to join someone random, and that happens to be me, I seem to always be in My Moon working on a serious project, not in the mood for company. When I do let them join, they try to mess things up. I will wait for the real one too, they are working on it, they are just wanting to perfect it.
2015-06-27 15:28:00
Author:DiamondDiancie10 Posts: 516
2015-06-27 17:28:00 / Author: Robospike
If you're not in the mood for company, why not turn on auto-reject for strangers?
2015-06-27 17:28:00
Author:Robospike Posts: 10
2015-06-27 17:59:00 / Author: ExphyL
I was gonna mention that glitch level but here's another way, Go on a story level and let it ask for you to join someone the later the level is the better the person is.
2015-06-27 17:59:00
Author:ExphyL Posts: 5
2015-06-27 23:30:00 / Author: Psmerga
This glitch has something to do with adventure bug.
Since adventure always works as "unnamed level", it connects you to people on moon because they play literally unnamed level while creating i assume. I had this glitch many times while testing my adventure. No one was in my adventure but it connected me to other sacks. Since i wanted to get critics about it, i joined but landed always on their moon. |
2015-06-27 23:30:00
Author:Psmerga Posts: 373
2015-06-28 01:17:00 / Author: DiamondDiancie10
Because I do not really like doing that. When I want to join someone and they put it on auto-reject, I get sad. So, I only do it when I have to. |
2015-06-28 01:17:00
Author:DiamondDiancie10 Posts: 516
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