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LBP2 Special Edition Content does not go to LBP3!!

Archive: 8 posts
2015-06-15 17:00:00 / Author: KodECera
I'm sorta pissed right now, because I had the special edition of LBP2 that had all the packs like (Dogs, Toy Story, etc.) and they aren't letting me use it! (Even though I fairly paid for it, when I got the game of course, so I should have the right to keep that stuff!) Once more that pisses me off is that levels that I've worked on and stuff had some of the content like toy story, dogs, etc. in it, so now I can't even edit my levels in LBP3! So much for upgrading to LBP3, I'll have to stay on LBP2 alot more, I can't stand this crap. I got denied help with no reason by LBP's support email. Basically, their answer was: No, we can't do that.

Anybody else struggling with problems like this? I heard they're not letting PSVITA users bring up their content also. Also, one more minor thing, LBP3 super slow. But, I can deal with that right now. What I can't deal with is that I don't get my content that I rightfully own. And no, I'm not buying their dlc packs if they're wondering. ZI usually never buy anything from the store anyway.
Thanks for hearing my rant!
2015-06-15 17:00:00
Posts: 5

2015-06-15 21:57:00 / Author: DiamondDiancie10
1. LittleBigPlanet 2: Special Edition's content purposely does not go to LittleBigPlanet 3, it's not an issue. If you really care about editing your levels, you should buy the DLC. It's not called LittleBigPlanet 2 & 3: Special Edition, it's just 2, meaning it won't transfer. It was never Cross-Buy.

2. How fast LittleBigPlanet 3 is completely depends on how fast your internet is. If you have really fast internet, it should load just fine.
2015-06-15 21:57:00
Posts: 516

2015-06-15 23:46:00 / Author: Psmerga
I also bought LBP2SE and succesifully imported almost all the stuff from 2 to 3.
I didnt try to play the content but there is almost everything in the popit.
Only thing that i still miss is the sound pack from one dlc.
2015-06-15 23:46:00
Posts: 373

2015-06-26 08:06:00 / Author: ColeMaggie
Well, lbp1 GOTY edition transferred to lbp2. But then I got a new PS3 and I couldn't find LBP1 so I lost all of it and I am currently attempting to repurchase.
2015-06-26 08:06:00
Posts: 2

2015-06-26 09:00:00 / Author: Psmerga
LBP1 should not be that expensive to rebuy it, but i dont recon any special content beside samurai armor that i would want to have from LBP1.
Do you have any friend in RL who have LBP1?
Since you bought it, it wouldnt be illegal to pick his disc for few days.
Just to install and pick prizes from timesaver levels.

About LBPV,
2015-06-26 09:00:00
Posts: 373

2015-06-26 22:22:00 / Author: dakrrs
I'm having the same issue.

If it's really for LBP2 and cannot be imported to LBP3, that's bullcrap. <Massive understatement

I mean really.

I seriously hope this isn't intended to be this way.
2015-06-26 22:22:00
Posts: 561

2015-06-27 05:52:00 / Author: KodECera
true, when you say speed depends on how fast your internet is, but how fast do you expect a regular American's internet to be?? Fast enough. LBP2 is sooo much more faster I'm saying. LBP3 takes like 5 seconds just to rewind something like a sticker place. I liked LBP2 and its speed. LBP3 should be the same way. Have you ever played LBP2 and seen how the speed compares to LBP3?? Also, you say its not cross-buy. Then why does the packs you purchased in the store get transfered, but not special edition stuff? Most likely you get the special edition for a bit more, in mind that I thought I'd be getting bang for your buck. And no, I'm not buying toy story dlc crap. I don't know where it is in my level or how it got there. I would spend 6 bucks for something I really wouldn't use.
2015-06-27 05:52:00
Posts: 5

2015-06-27 14:41:00 / Author: DiamondDiancie10
I know how it takes a little longer to rewind and load, but I understand how much more complex LBP3 is compared to LBP2, 13 more layers is alot compared to 3. I also bought all of my DLC for myself, and the DLC on store has Cross-Buy while LBP2 Special Edition does not. Cross-Buy came out after LBP2 Special Edition, and so it does not come with it. And my sources are posts where StevenI explains various problems to others. I have no problem with LBP3, many would disagree, but I find LBP2 more buggy, and updates increased the bugs, while I find barely any new bugs with each update! LBP3 was almost perfect from the beginning with my copy. I find Sumo Digital the best LittleBigPlanet Company, when I found out that the people who made the DC Comics Pack where making LBP3, I was so excited! And my excitement never deceased. If I got to choose any game company to own LittleBigPlanet, I would choose Sumo Digital, and they do. Having Sumo Digital make and work on LittleBigPlanet 3 is one of my favorite enhancements to the series. New Characters, Character Animation and Rotation Tweakers, Velociporters, 13 more layers, Bunkum, Collectabells, Decoration Mounts, new DLC every month, Slippy Slides, and 'Fix Me Hook Hat' are some of my favorite things about LittleBigPlanet's enhancements, and they are all from Sumo Digital. LittleBigPlanet 3 is the best game ever in my opinion. And all of that complexity results in minor bugs, DLC issues, and longer loading screens, it's a small sacrifice to have the most creative game ever, and I will forever support it. And you don't have to buy the Toy Story Pack if you don't want to, just buy the things you want. I personally never wanted the Special Edition version of LBP2, I knew it would make no sense for it to transfer to LBP3 if it ever came out. It just made no sense to me to get it. And now, my suspicions were true, this thread came out, and I am enjoying having all my DLC. (Except the Beta Test Vest for Sackboy, but, eh.)
2015-06-27 14:41:00
Posts: 516
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