LBF Music
Music Requests
Dread Tune
Archive: 4 posts
2014-07-18 04:45:00 / Author: Tomsnodgrass
Hello all, I'm out looking for a master music creator to make a theme song for the LBP2 series I'm working on. This series is called dread. If you, or know someone know someone who is, a master of music sequencers in LBP you could have the chance to help out. I've given it a go my self but I just can't quite get it right. The music needs to be original with an essence of darkness along side sadness, as to link in with the levels. You will be given credit in each one and the song will be used in all of them. To give you any more idea of what to do here are the main characters costumes
2014-07-18 04:45:00
Author:Tomsnodgrass Posts: 63
2014-07-20 13:46:00 / Author: Destroyer5563
So... what's your PSN ID? I'm up for anything, yaknow?
2014-07-20 13:46:00
Author:Destroyer5563 Posts: 7
2014-07-23 05:23:00 / Author: Tomsnodgrass
2014-07-23 05:23:00
Author:Tomsnodgrass Posts: 63
2015-02-06 22:48:00 / Author: WARMAN7785
i love that type of music and could be a potential strength of mine but i don't have enough experience, if anyone wants to do a collab where i improvise some of those type of melodies on guitar depending on what mood i'm in then i can, it's complicated
2015-02-06 22:48:00
Author:WARMAN7785 Posts: 133
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