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trance tips
Archive: 8 posts
2014-08-22 08:24:00 / Author: WARMAN7785
Hello, i made some trance ideas in fl studio 11 and i found out the majority of the trance code. for one a rhythmic motif in the melody that repeats through most of the song, two a repetitive kick, snare, hi hat, and bass pattern in 4/4 time for example the drums go boom ttt pow ttt boom ttt pow ttt and bass the follows the kick with 2 sixteenth notes 1st note plays same time as hi hat for example the note sequence in bass i chose was D E, D E, D E, D F, which is in the key of C Major in E Phrygian Mode, three don't use triads unless they sound good in the composition if so then use them very rarely and finally four a crispy hi hat (thanks to some processing but i don't process them too much)... crispy hi hat... and give me some trance tips please
what i meant was bass on the offbeats And another good sounding bass line on offbeats goes E E, E E, E D, D E and feel free to give me tips for making trance music |
2014-08-22 08:24:00
Author:WARMAN7785 Posts: 133
2014-08-31 10:18:00 / Author: Volcano_10101
My advice would be to 1. Trance music as a whole doesn't have a lot of rules. 2. Look for which sub-genre(s) of trance you want to make, as trance has many, MANY sub-genres, each with their own set of requirements. They can range from tempo, structure, key, and sound design. I.e. Psy-Trance uses a rolling bassline that is played in 16th notes, Acid Trance has a TB-303 or 303-ish "Acid" sound as a lead. Dream Trance and Anthem Trance are uplifting. 3. Not use triads? You can make triads sound good in a trance track most of the time. If you're having problems with those, then either try a different sound or different progression. Hope this helps.
2014-08-31 10:18:00
Author:Volcano_10101 Posts: 4
2014-09-01 09:11:00 / Author: TheMorta
Ugh. Genres must abide by 16th note bass rules. e_e This is soooo false. Guys. If Trance makes you feel inspired and in a Trance, it's Trance. Sub-genres aren't created to say, "Oh you're a Progressive Trance producer? So your music must sound exactly like Shingo Nakamura because every Progressive Trance producer does the exact same things, right?" They're for describing the vibe of music. You should make music, /then/ try to classify it. Not classify yourself and restrict your musical abilities.
2014-09-01 09:11:00
Author:TheMorta Posts: 51
2014-09-02 00:14:00 / Author: WARMAN7785
no it doesn't need to abide by any rule but i just would like to know some tips and plus those bass patterns sound good and psytrance is very restrictive when it comes to bass i just happened to like 16th note bass patterns it gives it a certain feel, acid and psytrance are the same thing volcano they even sound the same and morta if you want to know how i classify myself i classify myself as a DnB, Trance, Blues, Metal, Techno, Hip hop, Dubstep and ambient producer with more genres on the way, i never restrict my musical abilities i just get in different moods sometimes i'm in a trance mood even though i haven't only heard much trance/psytrance trance is a fun genre for sure and there is no excuse not to do an interlude with pads and main melody or to make it quite bass heavy or soft etc... also sometimes when i make stuff i don't know what genre it's in other than avant-garde EDM
2014-09-02 00:14:00
Author:WARMAN7785 Posts: 133
2014-09-02 21:24:00 / Author: Volcano_10101
Maybe I didn't say what I meant. I was overgeneralizing. I tried to help. And Morta, the only reason I said that is because it is such a common trait in Psy-Trance, especially Full-On. I never said that one should restrict themselves musically. I tried to explain as to what certain traits are in certain sub-genres, because it felt like to me that Warman didn't have a good sense of direction. Feel free to experiment, especially on a genre like this. I should of used the word traits to describe them instead of rules. Also, there is a difference between Acid Trance and Goa/Psy-Trance, but they're often integrated together.
2014-09-02 21:24:00
Author:Volcano_10101 Posts: 4
2014-09-03 23:58:00 / Author: nerd_dog
I just do what feels right. I try not to analyze it too much.
2014-09-03 23:58:00
Author:nerd_dog Posts: 1483
2014-09-04 20:27:00 / Author: WARMAN7785
i want to replicate that emotional feel of trance i don't have a very clear sense of direction besides big wide chords and groovy repetitive bass which adds some energy to it... well i guess the best i have got to replicate that trance feel is to use white keys only, (A Minor/C Major) sounds and melodies and chord progressions that feel euphoric and the things i said before... now that i think about it i need help with trance structure really and i'm not always in a trance mood so i can't just do it by trial and error and i just do what feels right too .
2014-09-04 20:27:00
Author:WARMAN7785 Posts: 133
2014-09-07 23:09:00 / Author: WARMAN7785
after listening to more trance and experimenting with melodies i've got it
2014-09-07 23:09:00
Author:WARMAN7785 Posts: 133
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