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LBP Music Charts

Archive: 5 posts
2014-06-16 12:19:00 / Author: CuriousSack
Hi Community,

one year ago me and some friends had the idea to create the LBP Music Charts. We did a lot of preliminary considerations, we even started to create a menu, but then other projects became important for each of us and so the Charts project fell asleep!
Now here is this wonderful LBF Music and LBP3 is announced and lots of creators are gathering in the forums again.
I'm still working on my third music level (for 10 months now) and I have some other projects so that I won't be able to follow up on that idea. When we started we planned Charts across all forums, but I think that Music Charts could also make sense within one forum.
I wanted to suggest the LBP Music Charts as a possible project for discussion in this forum here. To me the idea always has been thrilling, I'm curious what you all will think about it!

Many greetings, Jürgen^^
2014-06-16 12:19:00
Posts: 865

2014-06-16 12:39:00 / Author: Festerd_Jester
Maybe you could explain just a little your idea on what the charts will actually be? The only reason I would be worried for this is that charts have a point to make someone number 1 and inevitably it would lead to more of the competition mindedness we are 100% trying to avoid here - as stated in the forum guidelines. From what I've been able to tell from our community and the wider community in general, is that often quite a lot of the most talented and dedicated creators are also some of the least known. This is just what I can imagine though, please feel free to correct my understanding if I have it wrong
2014-06-16 12:39:00
Posts: 94

2014-06-16 19:47:00 / Author: GooeyGhost
I'm guessing you mean something like the Billboard Chart? Top 10 songs of the month?
2014-06-16 19:47:00
Posts: 401

2014-06-16 21:03:00 / Author: CuriousSack
Yep, Rex, it was planned to be like the Billboard Chart, top 10 songs of the month! And also yep, F_J, it was planned to be a ranking system and a voting system and you're right, I didn't consider point 2. of the guidelines, which wouldn't allow such a grading system! Though then any musical competitions would also be problematic!

Many greetings, Jürgen^^
2014-06-16 21:03:00
Posts: 865

2014-06-16 23:53:00 / Author: Festerd_Jester
Monthly does not seem so bad to me CuriousSack I was worried maybe for maybe top ten amount of plays (of all time) Any user run competition is out of the forums hands anyway pretty much - The only thing truly that worried me was that something like this would be limited to the most popular of musicians and not necessarily the most talented. I won't stand in your way. As far as the guidelines go, the only thing I mentioned it for was I got the impression you wished for it to be like an official(ish) sort of feature of which I'm personally not too keen, but this is a community and of course ultimately the decision can be left to the participants. Perhaps only involve people who wish to be involved in such a thing By all means open a thread asking for people to sign up! Then anyone involved is aware of the possible publication of them being in last place haha. Good luck for sure
2014-06-16 23:53:00
Posts: 94
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