LittleBigPlanet 3
How does one report issues/bugs?
Archive: 2 posts
2015-06-06 15:49:00 / Author: Ninjexcan
Many times while creating on my moon i run into issues with certain logic tools not functioning, or in pod when certain menus would not load. For the most part each update has solve the vast majority of these issues but some are still consistently persisting. If there's a way to report these issues without waiting for a game crash report i'd love to know.
the issues currently for me are: - "News feed filter" when using the filter on the news feed the feed itself endlessly loads. even when backing out and returning the feed remains in a loading state unless the pod is reloaded by any means such as returning from a level, returning from another's pod, or resetting the game itself - "level review/comment notification" when receiving a notification for comments on levels they appear on the menu and in the level description just fine, the issue is that the actual level with the comment/review does not highlight. I'm left to search through each individual level menu on my earth until i see REVIEW or COMMENT highlighted which gets pretty frustrating. And this leads back to the issue mentioned before where i tried to find the comments on the news feed filtering for just "my published levels" and get the infinite loading screen. -"sackpocket sensor" i recently attempted to build an rpg sandbox type game (failed to make it large as i planned) using weapons as the base for attack strength and a level up system for defense. i tried using a sackpocket sensor to create a special kind of weapon and for unlocking zones only when a particular weapon/tool is held and to restrict stacking more than one weapon/tool in the sackpocket. Unfortunately the sensor does not work whatsoever, whether on a sackbot, created character or simply placed on the level to detect a certain range. My copy of LBP3 is on PS4, if anyone is or is not having these issues please comment. If your copy is on PS3 and these issues arent a problem please comment as well. If anyone is interested the RPG i made is currently published as "LAND OF HILDAMESH" (final demo) and was inspired by the level "GRADALIVE" by MarioLuigi6446 |
2015-06-06 15:49:00
Author:Ninjexcan Posts: 6
2015-06-06 21:18:00 / Author: nerd_dog
hmm.. maybe, just maybe, the people at sumo come and look at our bug report section here in LBF LBP3 Feedback Reports
a good way that I know of is using twitter and tweeting your bug reports to them that way. |
2015-06-06 21:18:00
Author:nerd_dog Posts: 1483
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