LittleBigPlanet 3
Is it true?
Archive: 7 posts
2015-04-12 21:08:00 / Author: Potrock stir
That StevenI has been hacked?
2015-04-12 21:08:00
Author:Potrock stir Posts: 6
2015-04-12 21:13:00 / Author: dakrrs
Never heard anything about it.
2015-04-12 21:13:00
Author:dakrrs Posts: 561
2015-04-12 21:56:00 / Author: sana_88
YOU SAY WHAT!? Idk, like Dakrrs said, never heard of it.
2015-04-12 21:56:00
Author:sana_88 Posts: 347
2015-04-12 23:01:00 / Author: Pan_Ziemniak
Like what? I've seen that Stephanie_Ravens did some prank with picture: "I hacked Steveni".
He was on holiday really. |
2015-04-12 23:01:00
Author:Pan_Ziemniak Posts: 333
2015-04-13 14:27:00 / Author: Fox
Stephanie_Ravens. I remember her. It's funny how Media Molecule was able to create a successful game franchise that raked in millions to them, yet it was so hard for them to click a button and ban that account. She got banned, what, only two years ago?
2015-04-13 14:27:00
Author:Fox Posts: 211
2015-04-16 05:20:00 / Author: StevenI
That's news to me! I certainly don't feel like I've been hacked... Moderation is primarily managed by Sony's own moderation teams within their respective regions. If you have an issue with a player though, by all means feel free to raise it with me though and I can look into it. Can hardly take any serious action against someone for publishing a silly little picture that I'm not all that fussed about though. |
2015-04-16 05:20:00
Author:StevenI Posts: 46
2015-04-16 05:44:00 / Author: sana_88
Wait a second. That isn't StevenI though, it is, Steven Isbell! *OMG I DIDN'T KNOW ThAT *
Oh yeah, @StevenI, has the primary team-pick (Mm Pick) changed at all? The community team etc.? @Fox Banned two years ago? I WASN'T BORN BACK THEN! YAY! |
2015-04-16 05:44:00
Author:sana_88 Posts: 347
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