LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 3

LBP3 Frozen Costume pack dlc

Archive: 5 posts
2014-12-26 11:24:00 / Author: Melissa2008
Firstly Hi

Today I have purchased the frozen costume pack for my daughter on the Ps3,

I have got her the £4.99 pack from the UK store .It states in the overview that you get seven outfits ,

When we went into the game we can only see 4 outfits (Anna,Elsa,Kristoff and Olaf) We seem to be missing the Sven , Marshmallow and the Troll doctor costumes.

We have tried to download the content again but those 3 costumes are still missing. is not there. Has anybody else had this happen and if so were they able to fix it.

Thanks for your help
2014-12-26 11:24:00
Posts: 1

2014-12-26 12:35:00 / Author: ZombieKitty
You might be getting a bug with the purchases, don't worry tho she might get them later when they do decide to pop up.
And actually no we didn't have this bug before only when tri g to download purchases from the transfer but not like that.

maby the stores down, who knows.
2014-12-26 12:35:00
Posts: 182

2014-12-29 00:35:00 / Author: Fox
Yeah, it's probably a glitch. LBP3 is really unstable right now. Try re-downloading the DLC in a few weeks or after they release a new update, maybe? If you want a refund for that purchase if the problem is never fixed, visit Live chat (removed now-just support) here and tell them that you want a refund: There's actually a really cool exploit where if you buy and download DLC then get a refund there, the DLC will still be installed on your PS3 but your money will be reinstated. Pretty awesome if you ask me, and technically legal because you didn't pirate the DLC or anything.
2014-12-29 00:35:00
Posts: 211

2015-04-12 01:17:00 / Author: Zambayoshi
I bought the DLC today on PS4 and have the exact problem. I've got the Elsa, Anna, Olaf and Kristoff costumes no problem, but the troll doctor, Marshmallow and Sven costumes are nowhere to be found. I've checked in the costumes section and the special section of the popit character customisation menu, but they aren't there. I've tried importing LBP1 and LBP2 unlocks again, but this didn't make a difference. Has anyone else had this problem? If OP is still around did you eventually resolve it or ask for a refund? Thanks!
2015-04-12 01:17:00
Posts: 1

2015-04-12 13:58:00 / Author: samuasp
this is not a glitch per say, the costumes you are missing will be there soon its just they are bugged and need to be fixed however sumo is putting time into making sure the game works before looking into dlc properly. They have made a few fixes to the premium dlc packs that contain materials ect just not costume packs as of yet, the best option is to avoid dlc till Steven gives us the all clear.
2015-04-12 13:58:00
Posts: 73
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