LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 3


Archive: 25 threads
Thermometer : how to not explode it ? Mm tips video.10Sebart752018-11-21 06:44:56
Can you make changes to hub world states after beating a level?5Star_Destroyer2018-05-24 17:36:08
[LBsP] Basic Checkpoint Tutorial1waffleking232018-02-01 07:16:45
Interactive Sackbot NPCs9waffleking232017-10-07 22:50:02
Did you know...10TheHiddenSHADOW82017-06-15 11:48:54
Contraption Challenge5DyMonkie2017-06-13 04:08:18
How To Change Color Decoration On Sackbots2Dragon_Fire03762017-05-23 11:12:18
Bigsurf77's Tutorials: How to create 3D obstacles4DeKa13572017-05-11 05:28:39
Bigsurf77's Tutorials: Walk into the Layer3DeKa13572017-05-04 15:26:57
Bigsurf77's Tutorials: Memorizer2DeKa13572017-04-24 15:32:52
How Do You Make a 3D Door in LBP3?6cheadlestudio2017-02-20 01:45:57
How would you make a LBP3 styled level/hub?4cheadlestudio2017-02-16 01:12:03
How make a 3D moving objects ?12monsieur_tim2016-11-25 15:52:37
Timer progress saver2Sharfik19952016-04-26 17:01:55
Musicsequencer Project started!10CuriousSack2015-12-05 20:51:51
"The Animated Butterfly", a rare species in 3D1CuriousSack2015-10-30 15:09:04
Little Big Planet 3 .Tutorials4XZombieKing1999X2015-08-24 23:24:36
Upload/Publish error. Recorded Sackbot Movements!2Joe2015-08-24 11:35:44
How to use a memoriser?7SonOfSparda2015-07-16 11:54:21
I need tips!21TheSangheiliGeek2015-07-04 11:57:00
I dont know if its a concidence but...4Pan_Ziemniak2015-06-04 05:59:00
Music Tutorials Section2SonOfSparda2015-05-23 03:07:00
Necessary Tutorials10Psmerga2015-04-16 15:39:00
Skies and Clouds II13CuriousSack2015-04-15 18:41:00
[LBP] How to deal with very rude players/creators18petethepug2015-04-09 08:10:00
LittleBigForum Archive Statistics
Posts: 37945 • Threads: 4847 • Members: 3878  • Archive-Date: 2019-04-15


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